Unlocking the potential in individuals and organisations
I am a certified Executive Coach and Organisational Development Practitioner (PCC, ACTP, MA, MA). I assist top and middle level leaders, organisations and individuals to deeply transform their behaviours, mental models and strategies, not only to achieve what they want but to embody a more resourceful and creative state of being. I am currently developing my own body of work on human transformation and healing.
Organisational Consulting and Leadership Development
I facilitate processes which support organisations and teams to become more effective, redesign their strategies, deeply transform their mental models, culture and interactions, and strengthen their competencies in navigating change processes, engaging the resourcefulness of leaders and employees. Through embodied leadership development I support leaders to flourish through higher levels of self-awareness, personal transformation and application of cutting edge leadership concepts.
Executive Coaching
I support leaders and managers to maximise their potential, grow their leadership presence and resilience, more effectively navigate challenges, shift their energy field and achieve goals at a higher level through personal transformation. I assist leaders and individuals to embody who they want to be.
Health Coaching
I support executives and private individuals to take more effective care of themselves and deal with health challenges with a focus underlying behavioural issues, beliefs, emotional states and blockages, as a foundation for achieving their goals and sustaining their wellbeing and vitality.
Contact me today
If you would like to discuss what might be most effective for you or your organisation and find out whether I am the right consultant, we can set up an appointment for an exploratory conversation.
To be great, be whole: don’t exaggerate
Or leave out any part of you.
Be complete in each thing. Put all you are
Into the least of your acts.
So too in each lake, with its lofty life,
The whole moon shines
– Fernando Pessoa
Latest articles from my blog:
Leading with Radiance: Holding more light
Light holds light
Where we signal light beyond
what we trust we are
a mirrored momentum
in our sky-blue magnitude
We can hold more light than we ever imagine. Even in the most challenging circumstances we can hold more light than we think. We are like an ever expanding stream that is able to contain more and more water. The limit is only in our mind.
When we start healing ourselves, unexpected obstacles and old issues that we thought we had dealt with tend to come to the surface. A multitude of such challenges have been appearing on my path. Here is an example: A couple of months ago I had a small problem with my car and took it to the garage. They fixed a few things. When I was expecting to get it back, I found out they had an accident with the car during a test drive leading to a significant damage. read more…
Leading with Radiance: Releasing the victim self-talk
Releasing that pain
It’s my pain too and whenever I chose
not to be a victim of the world
I moved a hundred miles
past that pain
So here I’m getting up in the morning facing a certain situation I feel stuck with, thinking how unfair life is … NO I am not a victim, its’ already on its way to be solved! ….and here I’m standing under the shower thinking about a certain person not replying to me and how this is so frustrating… NO I am not a victim and surely she is just being busy and when I let it go she, will reply for sure! … and here I’m having lunch on my beautiful terrace worrying about an issue to solve with my laptop and how boring and time-consuming it is to deal with it … NO I am not a victim of this problem spoiling my day and besides I am not sweating the small stuff … and lastly here I am going through Facebook and somewhere at the back of my mind concluding read more…
Leading with Radiance: Embody who you want to be
Become your future
We can be the sure shadows
on the wall of our history or
we allow the flying drops of dreams
into the present, now
At the start of my career I couldn’t open my mouth in front of five people. I was terrified I would say something stupid or lose my thread of thought. At a point I decided that I had to get over it. Back then I did not have an understanding of personal transformation but I figured out I had to embody the courage and the calmness I needed for it. I imagined I had courage and calmness and started to feel this in my body. Gradually I became the courage I needed to be to speak in front of people and step by step it became more comfortable.
Becoming someone different is never out there in the future. It can only happen now in this moment. If we want courage, we need to feel at least some courage now, read more…