The Perfect Path

It is imperfection
in that very moment that
is the path when
we release it

I am delighted to hereby launch a new series of blogs called “Leading with Radiance”. “Leading with Radiance” is a body of work I am developing. It is about enabling people to lead themselves and others by consciously and mindfully shaping their energy field. The body of work draws on cutting edge neuroscience, conscious creation, ancient wisdom, a range of transformation tools and modern leadership approaches.

It is suited to individuals, people in organisations and entrepreneurs. Latest science shows that our electromagnetic field which we create through our consciousness and emotions radiates at least six meters from our body and beyond, impacting people and events. Scientific instruments which area able to measure this field are getting increasingly more sophisticated.

Leading with radiance is first and foremost about leading and empowering ourselves because only when we do that, we can effectively lead others/lead on issues, whether through formal authority or not. It is our inner transformation that leads to outer transformation.

Over the past four years I have gone through a remarkable journey of which I will share bits and pieces throughout the different editions of this blog. During this period I retreated from the world, at least in social terms, as I continued working in an office, to figure out my own healing. The healing concerned the whole of myself, physical, emotional and spiritual because these are ultimately one. When we heal and grow, we transform out vibrational being, the electromagnetic field that we are and we emit. For me this has been the most worthwhile journey I have undertaken in my life. It seems that everything I did before were preparations, steps, inquiries and experiences that somehow all came together to lead to this.

And this is what I want to talk about in this first blog. How we can see the challenges and perceived problems we are dealing with from a perspective of empowerment, from a perspective of trust, with an inner knowing that it will always lead us to some learning that will lead to more learning … which will be worthwhile to our path and purpose in the world. How we deal with the challenges with an inner knowing that we are growing, that we are creating our own growth path and that we are in charge of how we let it unfold and how we feel and think about it. Any point of it will be imperfect, in fact we will be imperfect, and it is the rightest place to stand right now. There is no righter place, nothing is missing from it, nothing is lacking. The imperfection is whole.

If we can feel and sense any present moment like this, we can release the anxiety and the rush to get to some illusional future place where all things are in place, inside and outside ourselves, and where we are finally happy. We all somehow know that we tend to continuously postpone happiness, believing that the current conditions in our life still don’t meet the criteria for us to be happy. I can assure you that that moment of perfection will never come, because we are always becoming, and always wanting something in addition to what we have. It is a happiness postponement trance that humanity has created for itself.

I have observed this trance in myself in relation to almost any subject in my life. I want to give two examples here: I am a keen learner on the topic of personal growth, very keen! I have read many hundreds of books on self-development, leadership, spirituality and the like and I continue to do so, accumulating an enormous amount of wisdom and insight that I endeavor to put into practice. I love these books, I cherish all these different perspectives people bring, they have helped me enormously on my journey and I make good use of these resources for my work. And here is the trap: I get the constant feeling that only when I have learnt what is in the book I happen to be reading (not yet finished), I am at a place that is right enough for certain things and I can be satisfied. If I have a whole pile of books, I might feel the whole pile needs to be read to be at that right place. That right place is obviously an illusional future place because with every book I read I discover more things I feel I need to know and apply. So that’s a good example of a postponement of perfection and satisfaction.

Here is another, more mundane one: I recently found that I needed to make some minor improvements to my apartment. It started with some small desires to have a few pieces of furniture varnished. With everything I thought of that needed improvement I saw another thing that needed to be improved, and on it went until I suddenly longed for having my furniture replaced altogether! I was observing my own process and had to step in strongly and do the one most powerful thing we can do when we postpone happiness: I re-centred myself into a place where I appreciated the perfection and beauty of all that was there and firmly decided to be happy with the imperfection I perceived. With that I stopped the momentum of the postponement trance.

I know it can be hard on some subjects, especially when we face major challenges. This is it really: a lifelong growth to be able to be satisfied with where we stand. In the next editions I will reflect over the many facets of the growth journey which allows the radiance into our heart and into the world, even in the face of the most overwhelming conditions: Bit by bit leading ourselves and sometimes others with radiance, always knowing that in any moment in time it will be imperfect.


Let’s start small: Identify something small in your life that you feel is not meeting your criteria for being happy. It is best not to start with something that is too challenging. Pay attention on how you feel every time you think about it.

Then focus on something about that issue or in that situation that feels good or at least better – even if is just that you are learning something from it. If you find nothing good in it at all, focus your mind on something else that feels good.

Do this every time you catch yourself thinking of it. With that you start releasing the unhappiness postponement trance about this issue. The issue is also likely to transform in the process because you have looked at it with different eyes.

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