A Point of Peace
All that counts in the moment
of surrender is that we fly
it’s a still elegance
of motion
Make peace inside yourself with everything and everyone in your life. With every person, even if they frustrate or anger you, with every situation, even if you wish it was different, with every condition in your body, even if you wish it to be different. Make peace with all that your find inside and outside yourself. Remove yourself from any negative situation, by all means, if you can, but make peace with it. Make peace with your present and your past.
Things in our life can only truly shift when we come to an inner place of accepting the current condition, letting it just be. I learnt this the hard way, but it can be easier. My physical condition and other challenging circumstances which had been deteriorating year by year until I hit rock bottom only started to shift at the point where I decided to make peace with it, accept it and surrender to it. I had fought all the struggles that were there to be fought, had taken all the actions that could be taken within my possibilities. And all that did not change much. Struggling for or against conditions and things is a much taunted way of getting to some place in life. There is a point where this does not work.
Struggling means we are just surviving, trying hard to motivate ourselves to get out of bed and go through the motions of responsibilities and tasks we have on our to do list. When we struggle, we focus our mind on things that we don’t want to have in our life or want to be different, hoping to overcome and change them, as we continue struggling. Often that means that we try to control what we ultimately cannot control or can only improve with lots more struggle and hard work. When we try to control conditions that we cannot control, we perpetuate negative emotions inside ourselves such as frustration, resentment, anger or sadness. These emotions vibrate at a very low electromagnetic frequency and affect significantly our internal biochemistry, our ability to think clearly and the electromagnetic field we emit into our environment. These fields can be measured with scientific instruments. Positive emotions such as love, appreciation, optimisms and joy have a much higher frequency. Each emotion can be placed on a scale of frequency. Our habitual thoughts create our habitual emotions and these in turn create thoughts equal to those emotions. Most of us are so used to feeling negative emotions that we are not aware anymore because it feels so normal! We believe life feels just like this. So I thought, too.
The first step is to make peace with it all. The second step is to decide to feel better than the condition we find ourselves in. When things are going pretty ok in our lives, it’s easier to do this. It may just be a question of making peace with the fact that some of our colleagues at work are irritating us, that our financial condition isn’t where we would wish it to be, or that we our job doesn’t reflect our true aspirations. When we are at crisis point, facing illness, challenges in our marriage or major financial issues, then it’s a lot tougher. When I finally started to stop struggling, I had to decide to find some feeling inside myself that was better than my physical condition and everything else going on. First this seemed like an impossible thing to do, but by then, after years of research and countless dead pathways, I knew this was what I had to do.
It’s possible to focus our mind in such a way that we feel better than what is now. It’s possible in almost every kind of situation. We make peace with it. We decide to stop reacting to it and instead find a feeling deep inside ourselves which feels better than whatever is objectively going on. In that moment we will start shifting our electromagnetic field. It’s a journey, to be sure, because to feel better than our condition is a decision we need to take day by day, moment by moment. But once we understand this and know how to do it, we start accessing power within ourselves that we may never have accessed before. Nobody will give us that power. We can only do that for ourselves.
Identify one condition in your life that you wish to be different. Start with one that is not too challenging. Take a decision for yourself to make peace with it, not through any external action but through an internal process of accepting it. Once you have found a place of equanimity and acceptance about it, look for a thought or feeling inside yourself that gives you some sense of relief about it, even if only small. As in the last practice, you could either find something to appreciate about it or alternatively you find some faith and trust inside yourself that it’s ok and that you will be able to find a solution to it.
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