Leadership Insights

Leading with Radiance: Holding more light

Light holds light

Where we signal light beyond
what we trust we are
a mirrored momentum
in our sky-blue magnitude

We can hold more light than we ever imagine. Even in the most challenging circumstances we can hold more light than we think. We are like an ever expanding stream that is able to contain more and more water. The limit is only in our mind.

When we start healing ourselves, unexpected obstacles and old issues that we thought we had dealt with tend to come to the surface. A multitude of such challenges have been appearing on my path. Here is an example: A couple of months ago I had a small problem with my car and took it to the garage. They fixed a few things. When I was expecting to get it back, I found out they had an accident with the car during a test drive leading to a significant damage. read more…

Leading with Radiance: Releasing the victim self-talk

Releasing that pain

It’s my pain too and whenever I chose
not to be a victim of the world
I moved a hundred miles
past that pain

So here I’m getting up in the morning facing a certain situation I feel stuck with, thinking how unfair life is … NO I am not a victim, its’ already on its way to be solved! ….and here I’m standing under the shower thinking about a certain person not replying to me and how this is so frustrating… NO I am not a victim and surely she is just being busy and when I let it go she, will reply for sure! … and here I’m having lunch on my beautiful terrace worrying about an issue to solve with my laptop and how boring and time-consuming it is to deal with it … NO I am not a victim of this problem spoiling my day and besides I am not sweating the small stuff … and lastly here I am going through Facebook and somewhere at the back of my mind concluding read more…

Leading with Radiance: Embody who you want to be

Become your future

We can be the sure shadows
on the wall of our history or
we allow the flying drops of dreams
into the present, now

At the start of my career I couldn’t open my mouth in front of five people. I was terrified I would say something stupid or lose my thread of thought. At a point I decided that I had to get over it. Back then I did not have an understanding of personal transformation but I figured out I had to embody the courage and the calmness I needed for it. I imagined I had courage and calmness and started to feel this in my body. Gradually I became the courage I needed to be to speak in front of people and step by step it became more comfortable.

Becoming someone different is never out there in the future. It can only happen now in this moment. If we want courage, we need to feel at least some courage now, read more…

Leading with Radiance: Play!

Let’s Play

A flood of laughter calls us
to become beyond
our ascertained
rules of engagement

When was the last time you laughed whole-heartedly? It’s crazy that we leave playing to our children! In my view it’s a misunderstanding of what we have come here to be. We created an artificial boundary between being a child and being an adult. Playing creates lots of positive emotions. It enables us to shift our internal chemistry and our energy field which in turn influence our wellbeing and the unfolding of our life. When we play and laugh we radiate positive frequencies all around us. read more…

Leading with Radiance: Life is NOW

What is NOW?

NOW is when
Nothing else counts

Reality never exists in the future. It only exists NOW. It also doesn’t exist in the past because the past is gone. The past pain for example only exists NOW if we replicate the experience in our mind NOW. Therefore life only exists NOW. Unfortunately we miss a lot of it! Most of us are not present in the moment, worrying either about the future or the past. We continuously tell ourselves that we will feel better when something is different from NOW, when we will have more money, a better house, an improved physical condition, a partner, a different behaviour from our current partner or our team, a different job, a degree completed, an assignment or a chore completed…. Watch your thoughts! read more…

Leading with Radiance: Make peace with it

A Point of Peace

All that counts in the moment
of surrender is that we fly
it’s a still elegance
of motion

Make peace inside yourself with everything and everyone in your life. With every person, even if they frustrate or anger you, with every situation, even if you wish it was different, with every condition in your body, even if you wish it to be different. Make peace with all that your find inside and outside yourself. Remove yourself from any negative situation, by all means, if you can, but make peace with it. Make peace with your present and your past.

Things in our life can only truly shift when we come to an inner place of accepting the current condition, letting it just be. I learnt this the hard way, but it can be easier. read more…

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