Many of us become successful in our professions because we are good at providing answers and solutions. We develop an answer and solutions focussed mindset that helps us dealing with challenges, managing crisis and helping others out when they need advise. Being able to analyse a situation or issue and finding a solution is indeed an essential competence. However, as we get better and better at providing answers we may forget asking questions before we start generating solutions. This can lead to a lack of learning and inquiry.
When the Titanic sank in 1912 an investigation showed that planners and builders were concerned about the safety of the ship and during the journey, as icebergs were reported by other ships, warning messages were received. But people were afraid of asking questions.
“Asking rather than telling, questions rather than answers, has become the key to leadership excellence and success in the twenty-first century. …With the growing complexity and speed of change in the world, the traditional hierarchical model of leadership that worked yesterday will not work tomorrow. The leader simply won’t know enough to adequately tell people what to do; the world is changing too rapidly.” (Marquard, 2005, P. 23)
What are the benefits of asking questions? When leaders start asking questions, they can create a culture of learning and enquiry where assumptions are challenged, new ways of doing things and resolving problems are explored and accountability is fostered. Asking questions means sharing responsibility. It implies the leader is willing to admit that he/she does not know, modelling humility and respect for people’s knowledge and resourcefulness. Through asking questions leaders can understand other people’s perspective. Informed by a range of views they can get a better picture of the issue and improve decision making and strategic thinking. Questions also motivate and energize people, strengthening their commitment and their ability to reflect and learn. Innovation, creativity and collaboration emanate from asking questions.
When leaders ask questions, they improve their ability to listen attentively, to be empathetic, to dialogue and to create consensus.
There may be many reasons why leaders do not ask questions. They may not be used to asking questions, they may be in a rush, they may want to protect their self image, they may have fear to break up current perceptions or they may fear opening up discussion on their own contribution to the situation. They may have grown up in a context where asking questions is discouraged.
There are ways in overcoming such discomforts, mainly by trying it out and getting practice! Many successful leaders and CEOs of companies report how, once they overcame their initial fears, asking questions brought about a profound change in their leadership and management style and the organisational culture.
What kind of questions should we ask? There are many questions that result in defensiveness, as they focus on what is wrong or force a response intended by the questioner. Empowering questions are supportive, challenging and insightful; they create reflection and do not illustrate the cleverness of the questioner. They build on the previous question or response. Open ended questions are most effective. They get people to think and give control to the person who answers. Examples of good questions are: “Can this be done in a different way?”, “What other options can we think of?”, “What do we expect to happen if we do that?”, “What is stopping us?”. Great questions create possibilities and lead to workable strategies.
Asking questions as a leader supports the leadership behaviours from our leadership metrics. It can help us become learning leaders who transform relationships, empower others and develop excellence in vision and strategy. “Questioning leaders … drop their need to be right, and so they can allow us to be right. They … are more open and vulnerable. Leaders who lead with questions are more easily able to drop their masks and facades and be who they really are.” (Marquard, 2005, P. 23)
Reference: Marquardt, M. (2005). Leading with Questions. San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass